Sunday, May 29, 2016


Charak Sanhita is included as reference book in the curriculum of Government recognized Medical Course which grants Ayurvedic BAMS degree.
A section of it deals with treatments to bear "Male" child. They differ for different VARNA of Brahmin ( The priest) , Kshatriya ( The  warrior ), Vaishya ( The trader / farmer ) and Shudra.( The manual abor ) This allegedly promotes dissemination based on caste and sex.
The " Sanhita" or the script written by the sage "Charak" is more than 3000 years old.  It as ancient and popular but not fully understood / interpreted. Some sections deals with surgery treatment too, which were not known or practiced by the " Vaidyas ". They were the main medical service available before the arrival of Allopathy in India by the British. Quite naturally it is ignorant of present provisions of the Indian Constitution. It upholds four layer system of the society as is upheld by Geeta. It proves that the Chatutvarnya existed and accepted at least 3000 years back. It originated as based on natural inborn attributes / tendencies of a person and was perhaps interchangeable. With the passage of time the four layer society started being by birth and was further divided in countless castes, sub castes,  tribes . The lists of SC, ST, OBC and so on has never seen the end of them. It goes on enlisting hitherto unknown names. Some times one wonders if the list itself promotes search for lesser known or unknown or even just invent ones.
Forget " Charak Sanhita" ,one can easily find quack practitioners from the square corner on road to self claimed professional consultants in AC Rooms. Countless sex determination test being conducted illegally. The ratio of Male to Female population is almost refusing to get better. All because of the senseless belief that only Male child can carry the family name and liberate parents. Some ladies have started to use both family names . A practise that deserves recognition and society support. More than constitutional changes, the social awareness for reformation is necessary.
Coming back to " Charak Sanhita " , recommendation is being made to drop those chapters from the script. A move thousand times better than burning of ' Manu Sanhita ".

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