Saturday, July 28, 2018


Your  own was fortunate to be invited as key note speaker in KOPINESHWAR MANDIR , Gyan Kendra . The occasion had double purpose of adding donated books to the library run by the Kendra and Guru-poornima.  The temple is a Shiv Mandir built  in 11th century and its own place in the hrstory and culture of the city. I have been going there since ny childhood. Therefore the invitation has special significance for me. To be invited to give talk is no longer a novelty. The holy place and the occasion made it noteworthy.

Here is some pics and synopsis of what I said.

* The Granth ( Book ) is one form of the Guru. Many religions have
a holy book like Bible ort Kurhan . The Hiudus do not accept a single book as such. The nearest to fit into description is Bhagvadgeeta which is part of Mahabharat. The author or compiler of it is Maharshi Ved Vyas. His birth day is observed as GURU POORNIMA. It is significant to connect a activity of  Granth Dan ( Book Donation ) with a day devoted to the birthdate of world's biggest Epic writer. VYAS.

* Ironically he does not come as a GURU in Mahabharat itself. It finds mention of Sandipani , Dronaharya as Guru"s  with GUTUKUL ( equialent to residential university ). Another noteworthy ocservation thta he is part of the story and story teller. Probably the only case with exception of Autobiographies . Birn out of Parashar and Satyavati he becomes step cousin of Dhritrashtra, Pandu and Vidur. He instantly grew as adult and promised his mother to come back at her call before proceeding for his own study under four Kumar Narada and Brahma himself. He is credited of separating three Vedas, Upanishads , Aranakyas and Puranas as part of them. (The forth Veda Attharva Veda does not find a mention in Mahabharat. ). the Mahabharat in its presently known form is creation of Vyas ( perhaps as part of promise of revisit given to his mother) . He is also credited with creation of BrahmSutra. Such a phenomenal work brought him the title of Adya Guru.

* In current context The term GURU has acquired multiple meanings. The term has become self acquired by teaching fraternity of any branch. Be ii a school or college or coaching class or art forms like Music, dance, theater and so on. For most of them it is means of earning lively hood. That is fine but at times the earning is by immoral and corrupt practices. Then there are self declared cult GURU's. We read there success stories   right through the path to Jail. They are not fit even to be called as GURU. individually or along with the cult.

* The GURU is not a person nor an institution . It is a BHAV or sense. It has to arise in the heart of Student .Where is appears as SHISYA BHAV . When both BHAV arise simultaneously a bond is instantly struck. It is then no longer a business deal where you pay something to get something. Transfer of knowledge flows from the heart to heart without any expectation. The salute to such sublime relationship is in true sense a GURU POORNIMA.

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