Thursday, March 11, 2010


Another Ekadashi day. Mrs. Sunnada Dandekar gave discourse on MUDRA VIJNAN at Swabodh Parivar. She has great study and mastery over this unconventional and alternative medical therapy. It is old technique included in our scriptures. Lost with the time and now being resurrected. Both national and international research has brought the therapy once again to the light. Required international acceptance is behind therapy to guarantee national acceptance. The loop is well taken. We were told that the best book on the subject is in English coming from a German lady. Long live the tradition of Maxmullar. Mrs. Dandekar for a change did not seemed to be impressed by international attendance to the subject. She gave lot of references from ancient scriptures, their interpretations by Indian scholars. In fact she wanted the audience to be proud of the heritage and come forward to study it as our own knowledge.

Mudra Vijnan is about using hand postures for certain medical benefits. Some what similar to acupressure/. The five fingers on the palm represent five elements which combine themselves to make human body as well as the universe. Touching, pressing, holding, crossing of fingers in certain fashion makes a posture or MUDRA. The lost balance of the elements is regained. Health is in balance and sickness comes with lost balance. MUDRAs help in regaining the balance.

Some Mudras are for treatment , some are like tonic. Some are to be done in regular routine and some only when need arises.

Apart from therapeutical purpose, the MUDRAs are used to regain disturbed mental balance which is essential for meditation and transcending meditation. The yogis are shown striking one or more postures of fingers while meditaion.

This is enough for introduction. Interested may come forward to learn more.

Arvind Khare


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